Tuesday 25 March 2014

Brazilian mayor fears World Cup stadium might not be ready

Estadio Beira-Rio

Brazil might be short of one stadium for the upcoming World Cup which will begin on the 12th of June this year. According to the city's mayor, Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre might not be ready yet. The stadium is set to host five games in this summer's upcoming international football tournament.

The issue with the stadium is that essential temporary structures have not yet been installed despite it being only 80 days away from the World Cup.

Porto Alegre mayor, Jose Fortunati

Porto Alegre mayor suggested that if a vote to give tax exemptions to construction companies building the temporary structures such as basic facilities and hospitality areas. If this cannot be done, the completion date for this stadium will definitely exceed the date of the World Cup (12 June 2014).

"This is the point which is the crux in terms of holding the World Cup in Porto Alegre," he told Radio Gaucha. "If the bill is not voted, we will not have the World Cup in Porto Alegre.

"This is because we will not have the resources to do it. We have no plan B, plan C or plan Z. The only alternative is this." insisted the mayor.

If this plan is approved and succeeds, private companies who helped to finance the stadium's completion will be rewarded and advertised during the World Cup.

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